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Aarti Ratna

aarti ratna

Dr Aarti Ratna

Assistant Professor of Social Sciences

What area does your research focus on?

  • Race, Gender and Nation;
  • Black, Transnational and Queer of Colour Feminisms;
  • Sport, Leisure and Everyday Life.

What are the other key aspects of your role?

  • EDI Department Lead
  • Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Group Member
  • I have previously led a research group, chaired a university race forum, led Faculty-wide teaching and learning activities (including as it relates to the satisfaction and success of racially minority students). I have led 5 PhD students to completion; and examined 4 students (including a public defence viva).

What do you like to do outside of work?

Walk my dog & be a mother. Listen to music.

What do you think you could particularly offer mentoring support with?

I recently started a Level 3 counselling course as I’ve always been good at supporting staff and students and wanted to develop my listening/ mentoring skills further.