Durham Studentships
Durham University Pro:NE Studentship
This is an open call for full time Doctoral Research Studentship applications for UK-HOME candidates from racially minoritised ethnic backgrounds. One PhD studentship is available in the Business Faculty at Durham University under the Office for Students funded Postgraduate Research Opportunities for the Northeast/Network for Equity (Pro-NE) project.
Access and participation for students of colour is limited by persistent inequalities that exist throughout Higher Education but is of prevalence in the Northeast which has some of the lowest numbers of students of colour in England.
Postgraduate Research Opportunities for the Northeast/Network for Equity (Pro-NE) is an ambitious, multi-partner regional research project funded by the Office for Students. Durham University has joined together with Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland, and Teesside Universities to develop a 4-year programme (ending in January 2026) to mobilise and increase the number of students of colour undertaking postgraduate research in the North-East universities and to ensure that they receive the support that they need.
The studentship will be awarded based on applicant excellence. The candidate’s academic and/or work profile and proposal quality will be an important consideration. The studentship supports a full stipend, paid for three years and 6 months (42 months) at UKRI rates currently £18,622 per year and full tuition fees for home candidates from racially minoritised ethnic backgrounds only. Please see advanced HE guidance on positive action.
This is the fourth of four studentships to be awarded by Pro-NE project the other three studentship opportunities have already been appointed to in the other faculties.
There is one award available within the Faculty of Business.
Please see here for further details of the scholarship and how to apply.
Candidates wishing to apply for a Pro-NE studentships must complete the University’s Postgraduate Application Form and submit all other supporting documentation (as detailed in the guidance notes). Eligible applications received by the administering Faculty of Business will be reviewed and assessed in one single stage by a University Pro-NE Postgraduate Studentships Panel. Unlike the University’s annual Durham Doctoral Studentships scheme, Departments/Schools are not required to assess and nominate candidates but are still required to support this process by collating applications and accompanying documentation.
The form accompanying documentation should then be sent to [email protected]
Please do forward this email to colleagues and arrange for the Durham Doctoral Pro-NE Studentship opportunity to be widely promoted to prospective students.
If a department, school, or prospective applicant has any questions about the Pro-NE studentships process, they should contact the administering Faculty Office at [email protected]