Biddy Casselden
Dr Biddy Casselden
Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Sciences
What area does your research focus on?
My research focuses on information science aspects, particularly information and digital literacy, the role of public libraries supporting digital literacy of marginalised groups, EDI aspects of library provision (including decolonising the curriculum), social inclusion. I work closely with local libraries, and also am involved with my professional association – CILIP – the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.
What are the other key aspects of your role?
I have worked at Northumbria in a variety of roles (librarian, study skills centre co-ordinator, and latterly academic) for almost 30 years. In this time, I have worked as a programme leader on a masters course, supervised many UG and PG dissertations, and taught a variety of modules – I am currently teaching ‘Research Methods’, and ‘Personal, Social and Academic Skills’.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I have 2 almost grown-up children who are now studying at university, so I am adjusting to life with just my partner and our border terrier dog. I enjoy running, walking in the countryside, gardening, and knitting.
What do you think you could particularly offer mentoring support with?
As a past academic librarian, I have an excellent knowledge of what you need to do to start your research journey, exploring the literature and refining your research aims/objectives. I have a lot of qualitative fieldwork experience. I have an active interest in the importance of library policy and content, and how this frames the inclusivity of what we read and research.