Greta Defeyter

Prof Greta Defeyter
Professor of Developmental Psychology in the department of Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing
What area does your research focus on?
My research focuses on social injustice, food insecurity, and child poverty. My research informed the development of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (£200M p.a. investment, by the DfE, in children’s and young people’s holiday activities) and the National School Breakfast Programme for primary school children. My research has also contributed to the School Meals Coalition, and the World Bank and shaped school feeding programmes at the national and international levels.
What are the other key aspects of your role?
I am the director and founder of the Healthy Living Lab. The lab welcomes academics from across multiple disciplines and organisations, including the voices of lived experiences, and we work in a collaborative manner on local, regional, national and international projects. I also co-lead the Health and Wellbeing theme of Insights North East which aims to support the interplay between academic research and policy professionals.
What do you like to do outside of work?
Outside of work, I am a trustee of the Great North Air Ambulance, Feeding Britain, and Family Gateway. I enjoy gardening and I have recently taken up boxing.
What do you think you could particularly offer mentoring support with?
Supporting you in navigating your research journey and supporting your thinking and planning for your research to result in real world impact through interventions, policy etc.