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Rekha Elaswarapu

Rekha Elaswarapu

Dr Rekha Elaswarapu

Lecturer in Health and Social Care

What area does your research focus on?

My research focus is on older people and ageing. This includes dignity in care, active ageing and an ageing workforce – dignity at work.  I am also interested in governance, leadership and organisational culture.

What are the other key aspects of your role?

I am the module lead for ‘Life course through Ageing’ for B.Sc. Hons (top up) course in Health and Social care as well as Early life course in the Foundation programme. I provide dissertation supervision and arrange guest lectures across the Health and Social care courses. I am also the chair of the organising committee for the annual joint Health and Social Care and Nursing conference. I have a lead role in fostering research culture at the London campus and developing the Knowledge Exchange Plan.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I enjoy volunteering, listening to music, cooking and playing Scrabble (my life saver in COVID) I particularly like being a grandma to an adorable 5-year-old granddaughter and an 8-month-old grandson.

What do you think you could particularly offer mentoring support with?
  • Undertaking the research journey and impactful projects
  • Understanding the policy and research environment
  • Being a mature student and balancing work-life priorities